Become a Member or Sponsor
All memberships and sponsorships run from July 1 through June 30.
Why not "set it and forget it?" You can set up automatic monthly payments for all member levels. Just click here!
*Special Events: Passes are not valid for Stages Musical Theatre productions and concerts with special guest artists.

Basic ($50), Family ($80) and Senior ($30) Memberships
Monthly email newsletter
ONE adult discount ticket per performance, excluding special events*
Name in all programs
Invitation to CGOA’s Annual Membership Meeting in June
Family membership includes THREE adult discounted tickets per performance.
Associate ($100-$249)
Monthly email newsletter
FOUR adult discount ticket per performance, excluding special events*
Name in all programs
Invitation to CGOA’s Annual Membership Meeting in June

Friend (Individual or Corporate) $250-$499
All of the benefits of Individual Membership plus:
Your ⅛ page ad/logo (business sponsors only) in all programs
FOUR adult discount tickets per performance, excluding special events*
TWO one-time passes for any performance, excluding special events.*
Link to your business on the CGOA website
Invitation to our Annual Sponsors Appreciation Event
Invitation to our Supporter's Circle gatherings with featured guest artists
Supporter (Individual or Corporate) $500-$999
All the benefits of Friend Sponsor plus:
Your ¼ page ad/logo (business) in all programs
Featured Sponsor article in the program once a season.
FOUR adult discount tickets per performance, excluding special events*
FOUR one-time passes for any performance, excluding special events.*
Invitation to our Supporter's Circle gatherings with featured guest artists

Patron, Benefactor, Banner Sponsor and Headliner ($1,000-$15,000)
Sponsorships at $1,000 and above include you 1/2 page ad/logo in all programs. Levels determine tickets, passes and special advertising opportunities.
Please call us at 541-357-9722 or email joincgoa@gmail.com for more information.